Maat-ka-Ra Hatschepsut |
last update:
Survey of Persons |
From the time of the Hatshepsut some persons, who had
served her in important positions, are in particular well-known. Partially, these persons already
had a important during the reign of Thutmosis I or II. or started their career and disappeared during the
reign of the queen, others started their career under Hatshepsut and partially were acknowledged
in their offices after the transfer of power to Thutmosis III. Some
people were dismissed from their office by Thutmosis III - who naturally surrounded
himself with his own staff. Frequently, destructions in the tombs
indicate that the owner had fallen into disgrace after the accession of
Thutmosis III.
The following table provides a short provisional - survey, if sufficiently material is available, individual persons
will be presented on their own page .
Name /
Trans-literation |
Title(s) |
Time - Year x of Hatshepsut / Thutmosis
Origin |
Tomb |
Ahmose Pen-nechbet
JaH-msw |
Chief Steward of the Storehouse (Granary,
etc.) General, Treasurer, King's first son of Elkab |
already testified during the reign of Thutmosis II;
one of the tutors of Princess Neferu-Ra; his wife Ipu (Ipw)
is possibly identical with the nurse of Thutmosis III who was also called Ipu (Roehrig, 1990)
and who had been the mother of his Great Royal Wife SatJah; testified at least until regnal year 5
Elkab |
Tomb Nr. 2 in Elkab together with his
brother Chaemwese (P&M V, 176/177) or:
Thebes, since funary cones were found only at Thebes |
Ahmose, genannt Ametju
JaH-msw aA-mj-tjw |
Chief Judge, Vizier |
TT83 |
Jmn-Htp |
(Chief)-Steward (jmj-rA pr wr), Overseer of Construction Work |
testified as the Overseer during the
erection of the 2nd pair of obelisks during regnal year 16 |
? |
TT73 Name destroyed |
Amen-em- nekhu
Jmn-m-nXw |
of Kush |
testified for regnal year 18 |
? |
? |
Jntf |
Great Herald of the Queen,
Director of the Granary
appointed by Hatshepsut before the end
of her rule, testified by her name in his tomb |
? |
TT155 |
Djehuti / Dhout
+Hwtj |
Royal Steward and Herald |
? |
TT110 |
Djehuti / Dhout +Hwtj |
Director of the Treasury, Overseer of
the workers |
Hermopolis |
TT11 |
_wAwj-r-nHH |
1. Herald Director of the Granary |
testified by name-stone from Deir
el-Bahari |
? |
TT125 |
¡pw-snb |
High Priest of Amun, Overseer of the
construction at KV20 |
most likely until year 16, since his
wife Jmn-Htp is shown on an ostrakon
sacrificing at
Deir el-Bahari; owner of chapel No. 15 at Gebel es-Silsilah |
? |
TT67 |
Jnbnj (oder auch
Inj) |
Commander of the Bowman, Overseer of
the Weapons, Viceroy of Kush? |
since year 2. ? |
? |
? |
Mayor of Thebes, Overseer of the
construction of KV20 the tomb of Thutmosis I. |
testified during the reign of Thutmosis I, Thutmosis II and Hatshepsut |
? |
TT81 |
Kheruef |
hereditary prince |
testified during the reign of
Hatshepsut/Thutmosis III |
? |
known from a rock-cut graffito at
Maghara, Sinai, dated into year 16 |
Minmose |
Overseer of the Granary |
testified during the reign of
Hatshepsut |
? |
MMA59 (later reused by the "Mistress of the House" Henettawy)? |
Nb-Jmn |
"Counter of the Grain" |
? |
TT179 |
Nb-Jmn |
Scribe |
? |
TT65 ? |
Nfr-Htp |
Scribe at the temple Djeser djeseru |
Elkab |
Tomb of his father, Reneny, Elkab No. 7,
Grotto above Djeser djeseru |
Scribe, chief secretary of crown
princess Hatshepsut |
MMA729 |
NHsj |
Treasurer |
testified by the expedition to Punt in year 9; uncertain thereafter; his name in Deir el-Bahari had been
destroyed; owner of chapel No. 14 at Gebel es-Silsilah |
Gebelein |
Saqqara |
2nd Priest of Amun,
possibly, also Overseer of the construction at the temple of Hatshepsut (Djeser
shown in his tomb while collecting
tribute from Punt - therefore, at least until year 9;
in an inscription in his tomb he claims the responsibility for the work on
2 obelisks during the reign of Thutmosis III |
? |
TT39 |
testified by a statue (now in the
Louvre, E14319)
PIT1379, Deir el-Medina |
%At-Ra |
Nurse of the Queen (Hatshepsut) |
? |
KV60 |
%nj |
Viceroy of Kush |
testified already during the reign of Ahmose,
since regnal year 3. of Thutmosis I. Vice-Roy of Kush - perhaps until regnal
year 2 of Hatshepsut |
? |
? |
* |
Oversear of the sealbearers, Overseer of the
gold land of Amun |
owner of chapel No. 13 at Gebel
es-Silsilah |
? |
TT99 |
%n-n-mwt |
Director of the Domain of Amun, Overseer of
construction work |
date of appointment uncertain;
testified until year 16 (the year when the 2nd pair of obelisks had been
erected); owner of chapel No. 16 at Gebel es-Silsilah |
Armant (Iuni) |
TT71 TT353 name destroyed |
mn |
Nurse of God's Wife of Amun |
? |
TT252 |
Ty (Tai)
&Aj |
Treasurer |
most likely appointed by Hatshepsut
shortly before her end,
testified until year 25 of Thutmosis III |
? |
? |
+Hwtj-msjw |
Chamberlain |
? |
TT342 |
WAD-rnpwt |
(Chief)-Steward (jmj-rA pr wr) |
denominates himself after King "Hatshepsut",
therefore, he can not be appointed before year 2 |
? |
? |
Wsr-Jmn |
Scribe of the Treasury of Amun; Vizier
since year 5 |
from to the inscriptions in his tomb, TT131, the
appointment of User-Imun (= Wsr Jmn) as a "Supporter" for his old
father, Ahmose Ametju, is quite well-known. Helck (1955) translated -
the unfortunately incomplete - text. The audience, during which the
appointment of User-amun had been announced, is described also on a fragment of the
so-called "Papyrus Turin" (= pTurin). Since the pTurin gives a
date, it is thereby possible to determine the appointment
of User-Imun as "Vizier "(this date is used to date the accession of the
Hatshepsut; see also "Coronation
- however when?");
died between years 28 to 32; owner of chapel No.
17 at Gebel
es-Silsilah |
Thebes |
TT61/TT131 |
? origin or assignment of the tomb questionable
* is to be dated into the reign of Thutmosis III. |
During the 20-year long reign of Hatshepsut an extensive schedule of work (see also buildings) was executed.
The execution resulted in a lot of information about temples and
domains, their equipment and administration. Furthermore, from the same time there are numerous
hints to different persons as well as their activities and/or offices in the administration of temple domains. Naturally,
the most information available are related to the most prominent temples of
For example, Senenmut reports on different monuments about the work
done in Karnak, Deir el-Bahari, Ascheru and Luxor and that all the work in the temples of the
Amun and the
Mut was completed under his supervision. |
The treasurer Dhout indicates in a long list, which activities or construction measures were executed under
his supervision in the area of Waset (Thebes) for Amun:
a shrine, a gate, doors in Deir el-Bahari, doors in "Appearance of the
Clarified", the reorganization of the floor in Ipet isut (Karnak temples), a shrine from ebony with stairs, two doors in Karnak,
jewelries, two obelisks, the gate "The Appearance of Amun in the Morning
", several offering tables, boxes, container, dresses and a shrine
made of granite.
In his tomb, TT11,
the so-called "Northampton-Stela" was discovered. This stela enumerates the work, for which Dhout claimed the responsibility for
himself. Among the work listed he tells that he had been responsible for the production at a
pair of obelisks, he literally says:
""I was the highest commander, who had given the orders. I led
the craftsmen during their work on the two large obelisks, which were
about 108
ells (approx. 54 m) high and completely covered with electron. They fulfilled
the two lands with their lighting."
The text does not specify the obelisks he is talking about.
Obviously, he can not talk about the 2nd pair of obelisks erected by
Hatshepsut because these do not fit the specification anyhow (the height
of the one which is still standing is approx. 29 m). Possibly, the
text refers to the first pair erected by Hatshepsut but from this pair only rubble is remaining, so that their height is unclear.
Furthermore, there are certain doubts about, whether the Egyptians were technical able, to manufacture
obelisks of this height. Most likely, the height mentioned in the text
is a mistake or a propagandistic exaggeration.
Duauneheh mentions the manufacturing of columns, gates, false doors and boxes under
his supervision.
The steward Amenhotep had been responsible for the production of
carriages, shrines, statues,
collars and obelisks for the temple of Amun. Hapuseneb, High Priest of
Amun, was responsible for the building of a ship, a gate, a shrine, for the production of temple
equipment, door wings and buildings. |
During the reign of Hatshepsut the number of testified persons, who
served in the administration of the temple of Amun on different hierarchic
levels, increases. From the upper level of the temple hierarchy the high priest as
well as the 2. and the 3. priest are known.
In the domain of the temple, i.e. in the estates belonging to the temple,
the following offices (or titles) are testified: Chief of the Granary, Chief
of the Cattle, Chief of the Fields, Construction Supervisor and Chief of the
Workshops. Two "officials" were responsible for the treasury of the temple.
Beyond that several officials from middle and lower levels of the temple
administration are also testified repeatedly. |
At the beginning of her reign the domain was controlled by the high priest.
During the reign of Hatshepsut the administration of the temple of Amun was rearranged whereby the profane part of the temple was separated from
the ecclesiastical part and got an own director responsible for the total
domain (the profane part) of the temple - and Senenmut was appointed to
this office. It was also assumed occasionally that this office was
especially established for Senenmut.
The new office covered the command of the total domain, the granary, the cattle stock, the fields and gardens, the
treasury, the building "industry" and the craftsmen of the temple.
However, the accumulation of several offices in one hand remained limited to the upper
hierarchic levels of the administration, thus on the (total) control of
the domain and on the "High Priest" of the temple. In the lower levels it was rather an exception.
Based on the information about the people who were
appointed to an office also the social groups, from which Hatshepsut recruited
them, can be classified:
- "new" officials from common origin
- foreigners
- officials who had already served for a long time
- members of the provincial aristocracy
- offsprings of old-established families whose members had served
frequently as officials
Numerous members of the temple administration were - if ascertainable - from the group of the "new" officials from
common origin:
the director of total domain, Senenmut, the 2. Priest of Amun, Pui-em-Re,
and the construction supervisor of the temple, Amen-hotep, mentioned as
the only title of their fathers the title "Honorable" (zAb).
The chief of the treasury, Dhout, originates from the provincial aristocracy
of Hermopolis, the chiefs of the granary, Ahmose Pen-nechbet, probably originates from a family, which
has already lived at Thebes for a long time. On the other hand, the father of the
High Priest, Hapuseneb, was already employed as a "lector" in the temple of
summarized after: Eichler, "Die Verwaltung des "Hauses des
Amun" in
der 18. Dynastie.", 2000
Viceroy of Kush During the
reign of Hatshepsut the sequence of the holders of the important office of the
"Viceroy of Kush" (= King's son of Kush) is poorly
testified and therefore, occasionally subject of a discussion. A substantial part of the problem concerning the order is the destruction of numerous inscriptions under Thutmosis III..Well
documented is the career of an official called Seni, who obviously was
already active during the reign of Ahmose. During the 3. regnal year of Thutmosis I.,
he was appointed to "Viceroy by Kush" and he had retired
from the office under Thutmosis II. (Pamminger, 1992). Furthermore, it seems to be
quite clear that after the death of Hatshepsut and starting with
regnal year 23 of Thutmosis III., Nehi (NHj)
served as the viceroy. During the reign of the Hatshepsut, i.e. between Seni and Nehi,
two officials, Inebni and Amen-em-nekhu, may have held this office With regard to Amen-em-nekhu, it is well documented that -
in regnal year 18 of Hatshepsut - he has been the "Viceroy of Kush", possibly,
another, but destroyed inscription dated to regnal year 20 refers to him. |
With regard to Inebni only one block statue which is showing him (see below; British Museum, London, EA 1131) is dated into
the reign of Hatshepsut. The inscription on that block statue mentions
his name (still readable) and the names of two kings, that of Hatshepsut (defined as
"Good Goddess, Lady of the Two Lands", name destroyed) and that of Thutmosis III.. In the text (the hieroglyphics were
cut into the stone and then painted in blue) he let us know that he had
held the title "Commander of the Bowmen" and has been the overseer of the royal weapons. Some
Egyptologists have also "read" from the text that Inebni had also served as
"King's son of Kush". Pamminger doubts this reading, particularly since
that is not testified anywhere else. After his interpretation there was no further
"Viceroy of Kush" between Seni and Nehi, except Amen-em-nekhu.
In contrast, El-Sabbahy (GM 129, 1992) accepts this earlier reading and arranges Inebni
as "Viceroy of Kush" between Amen-em-nekhu and Nehi. |

Block statue of Inebnj (British Museum, London, EA 1131) |