Satnem |
last update:
Historical Data
Name |
Title |
Statues |
Origin |
Tomb |
Satnem (=
%ineHem) |
painter |
E 14319 |
Pit 1379 |
Wife: Ibentina
(= Iabtina) |
JE 63646 A/B |
Pit 1379 |
Parents: |
Father: unknown |
Mother: unknown |
Brothers: |
none known |
Sisters: |
none known |
Children: |
none known |
Sources: P&M = Porter and Moss I-2, p. 701
Bruyere, Rapports sur les fouilles de Der el Medineh, 1934/35
Fouilles de l`Institut Francais dŽArcheologie Orientale XV, 1937,
p. 124-30, pict. 70-71 |
Floorplan of the tomb of Satnem and Ibentina (Iabtina), TT1379, in the
western cemetery of Gournet
Murrai (from: Smith, 1992). Because of the fact that this cemetery was
lying close to the workers village of Deir el-Medineh it was supposed that
this had been the cemetery for the residents. Apparently there is no
indication (name, tools) that this had been their cemetery.
The robbed tomb contained (according to Smith, 1992) a mummiform coffin
for Ibentina and box-shaped for Satnem, probably both sarcophagi had been
painted white. Canopic chests are not mentioned, Smith does not make
statements about the state of the looted mummies.
The people were
buried there together with objects which they had used in their life.
Hence, beside the sarcophagi various objects of daily life were in the tomb,
among other things a few pieces of furniture (1 headrest , 1 chair, 4 seat , 7
baskets), not closer described professional tools, personal items (4 sticks, 1
pair of sandals, 1 cloth, various pieces of jewellery - but, no heart scarabs
or amulets), fertility symbols (Nile mud pads plants with [grain] seed),
several storage vessels (5 big, 16 small), and pottery (2 flowerpots, 3 bowls
or plates).
These statues belonged to the contents of
tomb no. 1379.
The objects of this tomb were divided between the museums of Cairo and
Paris, thus, the statue of Satnem was given to the Louvre (E 14319) and
the small naos with the statue of his wife Ibentina was given to the
Egyptian Museum, Cairo (JE 63646 A/B).
Statue of Satnem
Jujuba-wood, base: acacia wood;
H: 41.30 cm; W: 9.30 cm; D: 19.40 cm;
today in the Louvre, E 14319
Small statue of Ibentina placed in a shrine;
Sycamore wood, painted;
H: 62, W: 26.5, D: 26 cm;
today in the Egyptian Museum Cairo, JE 63646 A/B