Senenmut |
last update:
TT71 - Remains of the decoration of the transverse hall |
From the original colored decoration of walls and
ceilings of the transverse hall today only very small parts have survived.
Some parts of the remaining decoration of the Transverse hall
are still visible. However, a brick shelter has been erected inside the northern
wing of the hall (the right side in the following sketch). Thus, this part of
the wing is not accessible. |
The brick shelter has been erected to protect important
parts of the remaining decoration, i. e. the
Aegean tribute bearers which are
depicted at the west (rear) wall and a scene on the north wall showing
marching soldiers (see photos below).
Floor plan of the Transverse Hall (from: Dorman, 1991), the
brick shelter built in the right wing is not taken into consideration. |

Front of TT71, inside the right wing of the heavily destroyed
Transverse Hall a brick shelter has been erected for protection of remaining
wall paintings. |
The representation of the
Aegean (Cretan) tribute bearers in the northwest corner of the right wing of the
transverse hall is the earliest proof for contacts of ancient Egypt with the
Minoan civilization (see Helck, 1979). Since early 19th century the wall
suffered considerably - obviously, as suggested by the following photo of
Dorman, somebody has tries the cut of the right vessel from the wall -, so that
from originally 6 figures only the last three are still preserved. |
According to Helck (loc. cit.) the figures are clearly
identified as Minoan (Crete) people by their kilt which - pulled through between
the legs - falls down at the front in a close pleat. All men were depicted with
dark red skin and black hair, however, the colors have largely fallen away from
the wall (Dorman, 1991). The eyes are painted white with red pupils, the
fingernails had been painted white as well. |
Similar representations can be found in the tomb of the vizier User (TT131)
who is testified to have hold this office from year 28 of Hatshepsut until year
28 of Thutmosis III. Furthermore, the tomb of Rekhmire (TT100), his nephew and
successor as vizier, shows similar representations of Minoan people. |
From the first (left) figure only the chest is preserved. He
carries a vessels with each hand, with the right hand he holds a large white cup
decorated with a central band of interlocking spirals and three thin parallel
stripes at the rim and the base. With his left hand he carries a smaller red
amphora. |
The figure of the second tribute carrier is preserved
from the hip upwards. Of the clothes only the belt can ´be seen, decorated with
red-white-red triangles alternating with blue-white-blue triangles. Each row
separated by a white band with pink dots. In his left hand he carries a large
white cup decorated with two Bucrania (bull heads). Rim and basis are decorated
with yellow strips. The Bucrania have blue horns and aside from red foreheads
and red noses they show faces from which the colors have largely disappeared.
The eyes are white with red pupils, the mouths are white, the chins have a
yellow patch, the ears are red with a yellow center. |
The 3rd (right) figure wears a kilt decorated with an elaborate
belt and sheath. The Belt shows on a white background a series of interlocking
red S shapes which terminate in blue dots. Between the S shapes there small red
triangles are painted. The central pattern is framed on both sides by tripartite
bands in blue-white-blue. |
The man holds a large red-brown pitcher in his right hand and a
tall handled jar in his left. The jar is painted with a white rim and shoulder
which is decorated with a rope pattern in red. The body of the jar is painted in
yellow. |
Aegean (Cretan) tribute bearers (photo: Dorman, 1991) |
Aegean (Cretan) tribute bearers (drawing by N. de G.
Davies taken from: BMMA 21-3, part 2, 1924-1925 (New York 1926), pp. 41-51) |
back |
On the northern front wall of the northwest aisle
marching soldiers have been depicted (moving to the right) from which only two figures are
partly preserved (Dorman, 1991). As is the case of the Aegean tribute bearers the red square-grid
which was used for the outline of the figures is to visible under the figures, however, here the
squares are with a side-length of about 2.6 cm
per square somewhat larger in comparison with square-grid used for the tribute
bearers (2.3 cm). |
The skin of the soldiers is dark-red, their wigs are blue,
fingernails and toenails are white. Only the back of the head, the right
shoulder and the right arm as well as the right calf of the first solder have
survived. This solders carries a brown bow and some arrows in his right hand.
The shafts of the arrows are painted in brown, their notches and feathers in
light brown. |
The second (left) soldier wears a short loincloth. The
loincloth is gathered together at the front and falls vertically in folds which
are outlined in red. The loincloth covers the right thigh which is indicated by
lighter color of the skin. This soldier carries two weapons, an axe in his left
hand and a throwstick in his right. The shafts of both weapons are painted in
red, the ax blade is white. |
Below the architrave which separates the northwest from the
northeast aisle the north wall has been decorated with 11 lines of text which
are partly preserved. The hieroglyphs of this inscription are facing in the same
direction as the marching soldiers. As Dorman reports that the first three lines
and the half of the fourth line are today obscured by the modern brick shelter
so that one has to contact earlier copies of the text (Dorman, 1991, recommends Sethe, Urk. IV, 399). |
According to Sethe who identified the remaining words as a part
of a biographical inscription the preserved part contains in different lines the
following words (after Dorman, loc. cit, and
Sethe, loc. cit.):
southern land (&A-nhsj = Nubia),
[..I have] made captures (jw xfa,
Hannig, Deutsch-Ägyptisch; p. 949 = meaning "taken spoils of war"),
bracelet (mnfrt, Hannig, Deutsch-Ägyptisch; p. 68),
[on the x-th] occasion of capt[uring]
(spw n xfa, Hannig, Ägyptisch-Deutsch, p. 691). |
This very fragmentary text is frequently regarded as proof for
the statement that Senenmut began his career in the military. However, Dorman
(1991) points out that the evidence for a military career of Senenmut is quite
weak because in the preserved text any pronouns of the 1st person are missing
(especially if one takes into account that first-person pronouns were frequently
used in other inscriptions of the tomb). Beyond that military titles are missing
in the otherwise impressive list of the titles hold by Senenmut. |
Marching soldiers (left upper corner) (photo: Dorman, 1991).
Remains of a Hathor-Frieze from the west wall
of the southwest aisle. |
Remains of decoration of the ceiling from
the southwest aisle |