Senenmut |
last update:
TT71 - Remains of the decoration of the corridor |
From the original colored decoration of walls and
ceilings of the corridor today only very small parts have survived, so among other 9 wall
parts formed like small stelae which are filled with inscriptions. These
show clear signs of destruction.
These 9 rock-cut stelae belong to
the most unusual decorative features of tomb TT71, therefore, they are presented
on their own page. Furthermore, the remaining decoration of the
Transverse Hall is also presented on an own
page. |
Only few parts of the scenes decorated on the walls of the
corridor above the stelae have survived and some photos will be presented
below by courtesy of E. Noppes. Several hotspots on the two drawings below allow
to jump directly to the corresponding photo.
Above a schematic reconstruction of the southern (left) wall of the axial
corridor (after Dorman, 1991); the reconstruction shows in the lower series
from left to right the arrangement of the of stelae 1 - 6. Clicking on a
hotspot jumps to the corresponding photo below. |
In the upper left corner the wall shows the ritual pilgrimage to Abydos (on the left a sailing boat
is visible and - on the right of it - a smaller boat connected to the
sailing boat by a rope, the small boat carries a sarcophagus); in same height -
but on the right as part of a Banquet scene Senimen
is depicted and behind him his wife or mother, Seniemyah. Both are looking to an
offering list (right of them). |
Above the reconstruction of the northern (right) wall of the
axial corridor (after Dorman,
1991) which in the lower series - this time from right to left - shows the arrangement of stelae 7 - 9. Clicking on a
hotspot jumps to the corresponding photo below. |
On the left part Senenmut is shown watching two smaller
writers. In the middle part several men are shown, who are pulling shrines
mounted on sledges - obviously this shows a part of the funeral
equipment carried to the tomb. |
Offering list (outer right; photo: E. Noppes) back. |
Offering list (photo: E. Noppes) . back. |
Banquet scene with Senimen and behind him his wife or his mother Senemiyah
(photo: E. Noppes). back |
Rest of the tomb facade (according to Dorman, 1991; photo: E. Noppes) back
Remains of the two scribes depicted in front of Senenmut. Below the head of the lower
scribe who just makes a note is depicted; above a leg of the upper scribe is
shown (photo: E. Noppes). back
The photo above shows remainders of the decoration of the
ceiling. |