
last update: 06.07.2009



Picture Name / Source of picture Description / Type Origin Material / Condition
BM 174

British Museum (modified)

Tutor-Statue with Neferu-Ra Temple of Amun, Karnak Diorite

height: 71 cm

very well preserved, Names of Senenmut and Neferu-Ra intact

BM 1513

British Museum (modified)

Votive, block statue Temple of Amun, Karnak red Quartzite

height 53,5 cm

face of Senenmut damaged; names of Senenmut and Neferu-Ra intact

Louvre E 11057

Louvre (modified)

Votive unknown, (purchased at Cairo, supposed to be from el-Buha) red Porphyry

height: 20 cm

Inscription thoroughly removed;
according to Dorman, 1988, the statue had been restored - probably in Ramessid times due Atonist attacks. During this restoration the small head above the surveyor's roll had been modulated, probably a ram-head [as symbol of Amun] which was smashed by Atonists had been represented there. However, traces of the names of Amun and Senenmut were still intact on the top of the base when the inscriptions were rubbed off.

Chicago No. 173800



Tutor-Statue with Neferu-Ra according to the offering formula probably from the Temple of Amun, Karnak Diorite

height: 53 cm

name of Senenmut destroyed, name of Neferu-Ra intact

Berlin 2296

Egyptian. Museum Berlin (modified)

Tutor-Statue with Neferu-Ra

block statue

unknown (supposed to be from TT71) Diorite

height: 100 cm

name of Hatshepsut destroyed,

names of Senenmut and Neferu-Ra intact

Munich ÄS 6265,

photo: SAS, issue 8, 1999 (modified)

Votive (sistrophorous) according to the inscriptian "Her of Armant, who resides in Armant" probably dedicated at Armant Granite

height: 40,5 cm

very good condition, completely intact

Brooklyn 67.68,

photo: Brooklyn Museum,  (modified)

Votive with Maat-ka-Ra cryptogram according to the inscription  "Renenutet, the noble one of Armant" probably dedicated at Armant gray-black Granite

height: 47 cm


Cairo CG 579 (JE31693), 

Egyptian Museum Cairo (modified)

Votive (sistrophorous)  Temple of Mut, Karnak, Discovered by M. Benson and J. Gourlay 1896 in the southwest corner of the temple enclosure Sandstone

height 155 cm,

very good condition, name of Hatshepsut intact, all names of Senenmut intact except one

Cairo CG 42114,

Egyptian Museum Cairo,  (modified)

Tutor-Statue with Neferu-Ra block statue Temple of Amun, Karnak, discovered by Daressy on 30. Dec. 1904, in the cachette in the court north of Pylon 7 gray Granite

height: 130 cm,

names of Senenmut intact, cartouche of Hatshepsut replaced by the cartouche of Thutmosis III., name of Neferu-Ra intact

Cairo CG 42115

photo: Berlandini-Grenier, J., BIFAO 76, 1976, Tf. 21 (modified)

Tutor-Statue with Neferu-Ra Temple of Amun, Karnak, discovered by Daressy on 30. Dec. 1904, in the cachette in the court north of Pylon 7 pink Granite

height: 140 cm,

Text destroyed

Cairo CG 42116,

Ägypt. Museum Cairo,  (modified)

Tutor-Statue with Neferu-Ra Temple of Amun, Karnak, discovered by Daressy on 30. Dec. 1904, in the cachette in the court north of Pylon 7 Diorite

height: 60 cm,

names of Senenmut and Neferu-Ra intact

Cairo CG 42117

photo: Vandier, J., Manuel d’archéologie égyptienne, Tomes III: La statuaire. Paris, 1958, plate CLVII


Votive  (naophorous) Temple of Amun, Karnak, discovered by Daressy on 30. Dec. 1904, in the cachette in the court north of Pylon 7 Diorite

height 70 cm,

head of Senenmut missing, name of Senenmut intact, also the names of Thutmosis III and Neferu-Ra

Cairo JE 34582
(today in the museum at Luxor)

photo: E. Noppes

Votive with kneeling figure with serpent and cryptogram discovered at the temple of  Luxor-Temple on May 28,1900 red Quartzite

height: 17,8 cm

Cairo JE 47278

(upper surface)

photo aus:Jacquet-Gordon, H., BIFAO 71, 1972, S. 139-150, Tf. XXX

Tutor-Statue with Neferu-Ra block statue Temple of Amun, Karnak, fragments discovered by Pillet on February  4, 1922, in front of Pylon 9, other fragments later (1971-72)  at the temple of Month at North- Karnak yellow Quartzite

height: 52 cm,

Senenmuts Kopf destroyed, names intact, also the name of Neferu-Ra; probably a cartouche of  Hatshepsut replaced by a cartouche of Thutmosis III

Musée d'art et d'histoire, Genf 23438 (upper surface),

photo: Hari, R. JEA 70, 1984, S. 145 (modified)

probably Votive, fragment of a kneeling figure? unknown,

purchased at Luxor


dimensions: 130 x 56 x 110 mm

cartouche of Hatshepsut preserved, also the name of Senenmut

Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth AP 85.2,

photo: Metropolitan Museum of Arts, NY,  (modified)

Votive, kneeling figure with cryptogram of Maat-ka-Ra according to the inscription "Renenutet, foremost of Armant" probably from Armant gray-green schist

height 41.6 cm

good condition, the top of left horn is missing, the back-pillar is slightly damaged

MMA 48.149.7,

Hayes, MDAIK 15, 1957, plate XII


Votive (sistrophorous) according to the inscription "Hathor, who resides in Thebes" probably from Karnak temple Diorite

height: 22 cm

very good condition, all names intact, according to Bothmer, 2004, the nose of Senenmut is dammaged

"Sheikh Labib"-Magazine

photo: Berlandini-Grenier, J., BIFAO 76, 1976, Tf. 18 (modified)

Tutor-Statue with Neferu-Ra block statue uncertain, probably from Karnak, offering formula "Amun-Ra and all gods and goddesses of Thebes" gray Granite

height: 63 cm

"Karakol"-Magazine No. 57,

photo: Berlandini-Grenier, J., BIFAO 76, 1976, Tf. 24

fragment, probably Tutor-Statue with Neferu-Ra

block statue

probably from Karnak, formerly part of the "Sheikh Labib"-Magazine Diorite

height: 78 cm



Hayes, MDAIK 15, 1957, plate XIII

kneeling figure with raised arms? discovered by Naville 1894 at Deir el-Bahari, the inscription on the back-pillar mentions +sr-Aht unkown

height: 22.5 cm


photo: Bothmer, Selected Writings, 2004

Votive (sistrophorous) discovered 1963 in the temple +sr-Aht of Thutmosis III by the Polish-Egyptian Mission Diorite

height: 50 cm,

headless, name of Senenmut intact, probably a cartouche of  Hatshepsut erased, a cartouche of Thutmosis III has been preserved

"Deir Rumi"-statue, left side of the basis

photo: Dewachter, BIFAO 71, 1971, plate XX (modified)

probably a block statue discovered 1971 at the entrance of the Valley of Queens directly north of  Deir el-Rumi Diorite

height: 20 cm

  Statue from Edfu uncertain discovered during Sebakh-works at Edfu gray Granite

height: ?

  Statue inside the Shrine of  Senenmut, No. 16, at Gebel es-Silsila seated statue probably with Neferu-Ra Gebel es-Silsila bedrock, Sandstone, in situ
Statue above von TT71


Tutor-Statue with Neferu-Ra block statue Sheikh Abd el-Qurna bedrock, limestone, in situ,

height 134 cm

Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO), Leiden;

labeled as a presentation of  Senenmut with Neferu-Ra

fragment of a Tutor-Statue unknown;
1997 auctioned by Christies; auctioned again in New York, 1997, acquired by the RMO (Meijer, 1997);
the assignment is questionable due to the unknown origin and probably due to the material used (all other free standing statues of Senenmut were made of harder stone)

height: 11 cm



Copyright: Dr. Karl H. Leser (Iufaa)