Ahmose Pennechbet

last update: 29.12.2006

Historical Data

Name Title(s)   Origin Tomb
Ahmose Pen-nechbet
JaH-msw P-A-n-nXbt
Chief Steward of the Storehouse (Granary, etc.)
Officer, Treasurer,  King's first son of Elkab
already testified during the reign of Thutmosis II; one of the tutors of  Princess Neferu-Ra;
his wife Ipu (Ipw) is possibly identical with the nurse of Thutmosis III who was also called Ipu (Roehrig, 1990) and who had been the mother of his Great Royal Wife ZAt-JaH (SatJah); testified at least until regnal year 5
(Helck, W., ZÄS 121, 1994)
Elkab Tomb Nr. 2 in Elkab together with his brother Chaemwese (P&M V, 176/177)

Thebes, since funerary cones were found only at Thebes

Children: none known      
P&M = Porter and Moss

The tomb of Pennechbet at Elkab is largely destroyed and not accessible for the public (see photos below). It is located only a few meters right of the staircase leading to the tombs opened (the re arrows marks the location).

The top left photo shows the entrance of the tomb, the top right photo shows the destroyed room. Right and left from the entrance there are still remains of the original inscriptions (photo by E. Noppes).

Ahmose Pennechbet has left a rather extensive autobiography in his rock tomb at Elkab. This autobiography was obviously written briefly after the death of Hatshepsut, thus, directly after the start of the autocracy of Thutmosis III. In this autobiography he praises himself to have served under 4 kings:

"I have accompanied the kings of Upper and Lower Egypt, the Gods (= the deceased kings), under which I have lived, on their campaigns to the southern and northern foreign countries, to any place they have gone, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt " Neb-pehti-Ra" (Ahmose I), the blessed one, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt "Djeser-ka-Ra" (Amenhotep I), the blessed one, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt "Aa-cheper-ka-Ra "(Thutmosis I) the blessed one, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt "Aa-cheper-en-Ra" (Thutmosis II) the blessed ones, up to this good God, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, "Men-cheper-Ra" (Thutmosis III), who may live forever."

Due to this  autobiography he fought with Ahmes I in Syria, with Amenhotep I in Nubia and probably in Libya, with Thutmosis I again in Nubia and against Naharina, and with Thutmosis II against nomads (probably Bedouins from the southern Palestine). 

Furthermore, he says::

"I have also been in the favor of the God's wife, the great royal wife "Maat-ka-Ra" (Hatshepsut), the blessed one; I was the tutor of her great daughter, the king's daughter, Neferu-Ra, the blessed one, when she had been an infant."
(quoted after Dorman, 1988, Grimm, Schoske, 1999).

Ahmose Pennechbet enumerates in his biography only the legitimate order of the kings, the illegitime king Hatshepsut who died shortly before is mentioned only with  her titles "God's Wife of Imen" and "Great Wife of the King". Suddenly, the king Hatshepsut, whom he had served a long time, did not exist any longer.

Enumerating the legitimate predecessors of Thutmosis III (see also Tyldesley, Meyer) possibly points already towards the reason for the persecution of  "Maat-ka-Ra" Hatshepsut (s. also "End and Persecution" of Hatshepsut). 

Destroying her monuments and cartouches as well as replacing her name by his own or those of his father and grandfather proves Thutmosis III as a direct and legitimate successor in the male line of the Thutmosid kings - probably more a political necessity (all had no royal blood) than a personal revenge!

Today, three monuments are assigned to Ahmose-Pennechbet:

- the tomb No. 2 at Elkab, together with his brother Chaemwese;

- a basis of a statue, that is today shown in the Louvre (Catalogue-No. 49);

- and the statue "Mr. Finley" today in the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh (Catalogue-No. 1948.486).

To a large extent the genealogical data given in his tomb are still unpublished (after Vandersleyen (quoted after Graefe, 1981).

The nurse Ipw, mother of the ZAt-JaH Great Royal Wife to Thutmosis III, is testified only once on an offering table from Abydos (today in the museum of Cairo, CG 23034; Roehrig, in 1990). This offering table which was inscribed for her daugther mentions no other members of the family. Since the brother Chaemwese had been responsible for the burial of Ahmose-Pennechbet it is not very likely that Ahmose-Pennechbet had children (which lived long enough to crare for their fatherīs burial. Although they share the name it is very unlikely that the nurse Ipw is identical with the wife of Ahmose-Pennechbet.

Copyright: Dr. Karl H. Leser (Iufaa)