Speos Artemidos / Beni Hassan |
last update:
Decoration of the Passage and the Sanctuary done by Sethi I |
Floor plan of the "Speos Artemidos" dedicated to Pachet
("Grotto of Artemis") at Beni Hassan; from the totally 8 pillars only three of the first row have survived. |
The sanctuary itself had not been decorated in the time of
Hatshepsut. The sanctuary was decorated by Sethi I with his own inscriptions but he left it
incomplete. All together, the Speos Artemidos remained unfinished.
The left side of the passage to the sanctuary has been
decorated by Sethi I. with 19 columns of text (see following photo by W. Ulrich). |

Directly right of this scene Sethi I is shown
offering wine to the goddess Pakhet (see following photo by W. Ulrich). On the
opposite side of the passage Sethi I is shown offering a baboon to Pakhet
and receiving a scepter
(no photo available). |

The shrine, crowned by a cavetto cornice and surrounded by a
dedication text of Sethi I, has been cut into the southern front wall of the
sanctuary (see photo below by W. Ulrich). |
