Maat-ka-Ra Hatshepsut |
last update:
Karnak - 8th Pylon |
South Face |
South view of the 8th Pylon. The pylon is the first building
in ancient Egypt, which was completely made of sandstone.
The southern (outer) side of 8th Pylon was decorated with the usual
representation "Pharaoh strikes the
enemies of Egypt in front of Amun" (as shown below on the west (left) wing). The king depicted is Amenhotep II
followed his Ka (see below).
Remnants of an older text on both
sides of the passage probably point to Hatshepsut, however, they are not to be
deciphered anymore. Amenhotep II had re-decorated the southern front side(s). Beyond that
the pylon shows a restoration text of Sethi I.

In front of the southern side of the 8th Pylon a
several colossal statues had been erected, these are
discussed on a separate page. |

Beside the statues the photo above
shows the damage of the pylon around the niches wherein the flagpoles
had been mounted. Not every pylon had have his flagpoles although the
niches intended for the flagpoles had been built. However, in some cases
the niches had been (deliberately ?) built in such a way that it was not
possible to mount the flagpoles. |
Pylons which indeed had been equipped with
flagpoles - like the 8th Pylon of Hatshepsut - can frequently be recognized by
damage of their niches as demonstrated by the photo above. These
devastations result from conquests after the end of the New Kingdom -
the conquerors liked to set fire to the flagpoles! As a result of the
developing heat the stone at the corners of the niches had burst. |
The sides of the southern passage are decorated in the names of Thutmosis II
(west wing) and Thutmosis III (east wing). The lintel of the passage (which was
a part of the pylon bridge) is completely destroyed. |

The photo above shows the southern face of the east wing with the remains of the
seated statue of Thutmosis II.
and the destroyed niches for the flagpoles. |

The space between the two destroyed niches is decorated with the usual
representation "Pharaoh (= Amenhotep II) strikes the enemies of Egypt in front
of Amun" and a renewal text of Sethi I. |

Door and staircase to the roof of the pylon start at the east
wing (on the site directed to the Holy Lake). Since the pylon bridge above the
passage is destroyed and the staircase ends up suddenly the door to the
staircase is closed today (see photo above). |