2nd Portico at Djeser
djeseru |

The intermediate courtyard is composed of the 2nd portico and two
independent chapels that of Hathor (left) and the Lower Chapel of Anubis
None of the chapels is open to the public. Furthermore, the two wings
of the portico can be entered up to the 2nd row of pillars. The
high number of visitors has obviously been a great danger for the
relief on the sides of the pillars.
However, the 2. portico is well known to all visitors of Djeser djeseru
because nearly every guide leads them to southern wing - whose relief describe the expedition
to Punt - and to the Chapel of Hathor or alternatively the Lower Chapel of
Anubis. The northern wing with the
representation of the birth legend of Hatshepsut is less frequently
visited. In the northern wing the relief is recognizable only with
great difficulty and the most colors are faded away - however, taken
both wings together the situation is much better than in the wings of the 1.
Viewed from the distance it is noticeable that the floor level
of the southern Hall of Punt lies lower than the floor of the Hall of Birth.
Only in the northern corner of the Hall of Punt, below the representation of
Hatshepsut sitting on the lion throne, the floor has the same level as in Hall
of Birth. |
According to Dr. Szafranski, head of the Polish mission at Deir
el-Bahari (Szafranski, personal communication. 2007), the floor of the Hall of
Punt was probably lowered to the current level in Ramesside times. |