Hapuseneb |
last update:
Historical Data
Time |
High Priest of Amun,
vizier (southern) ?
Overseer of the construction of a royal tomb (KV20 ?) |
regnal years 2 to 16 of Hatshepsut |
TT67 and a
shrine, No. 15 at
Gebel es-Silsile (Silsile-West)
Wife: Amen-hotep
an ostracon mentions an offering made by his
wife at the temple of Deir el-Bahari, thus, his term of office has to be
dated into the 2nd half of the reign of Hatshepsut |
Father: Hapu
3. Lecture Priest of Amun |
Mother: Ah-hotep
member of the royal harem;
the name of the mother has survived on a piece of
limestone found in the temple of Thutmosis III at Qurna (Excavations of
Weigall, 1906)
Brother: |
Imn-sA |
scribe and 1st sealer of the god Amun |
mentioned on a statue of Hapu, a
donation of his son Hapuseneb, Egyptian Museum Turin, No. 3061 |
Sister: |
testified in the shrine, No. 15, of Hapuseneb at
Gebel es-Silsile |
+Hwtj-ms-maXt |
testified in the shrine, No. 15, of Hapuseneb
at Gebel es-Silsile |
Wsr-pHtj |
testified in the shrine, No. 15, of Hapuseneb
at Gebel es-Silsile |
aA-Xpr-kA-Ra-nfr |
1. High Priest at the Mortuary Temple
of Thutmosis II, lector priest |
testified in the shrine, No. 15, of Hapuseneb
at Gebel es-Silsile |
Daughters: |
@nwt |
testified in the shrine, No. 15, of Hapuseneb
at Gebel es-Silsile |
singer of Amun |
testified in the shrine, No. 15, of Hapuseneb
at Gebel es-Silsile |
Cn-snb |
adoratrice of the Amun of Karnak (= NTr-dwA.t-n-Jmn-m-jpt.swt)
and a temple singer |
testified in the shrine, No. 15, of Hapuseneb
at Gebel es-Silsile |
&A-m-rsfw |
singer of Amun |
testified in the shrine, No. 15, of Hapuseneb
at Gebel es-Silsile |
Only a few "monuments" of Hapuseneb have survived, his tomb
TT67, shrine No.15 at
Gebel es-Silsile,
3 funerary cones (Corpus-No. 21, 517, 518; see below), 4 statues (Louvre A134, Cairo
CG 648, Bologna 1822, Cairo JE 39392), a canopic jar (Turin 3304), as well as
one ostracon (MMA) and parts of the foundation deposits from the temple of Hatshepsut
at Deir
el-Bahari. |
Beyond that Hapuseneb is also mentioned on the statue of Hapu (Turin 3061), the
statuette of the steward Amenemhab (Kairo CG 42112), and in an inscription in
the tomb of Userhat; TT 51, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. |
Due to the low number of documents it is hard to describe the course of his career with some certainty. |
Among other things Hapuseneb, High Priest of Amun, was responsible for the
building of a ship, a gate, a shrine, for the production of temple
equipment, door wings and buildings - and he was the "Overseer of the
construction of a royal tomb" but it is not clear whether he was responsible
for KV20 or the rock tomb of Hatshepsut..
Block statue of Hapuseneb, Louvre, A 134, Diorite;
H: 115 cm, W: 56 cm, D: 90 cm (by courtesy of Philippe Gossaert). |
The block statue Louvre, A 134, provides some biographical
details. On this statue it is reported among other things that the statue was
ordered by the king Hatshepsut and intended as a gift for Amun. The order had
been issued to Hapuseneb.
Then Hapuseneb gives a report about the accomplished work.
Due to stylistic criteria Delvaux (Delvaux, L., La statue Louvre A 134 du Premier Prophète
d´Amon., SAK
15, 1988) concluded that the block
statue Louvre, A 134, must have built at the beginning of the reign of Hatshepsut, although
her cartouches were replaced later by the names Thutmosis II. However, since all
pronouns are feminine (Ratié, 1979), the dating into the reign of
Hatshepsut appears unambiguously. |
On this statue Hapuseneb
is given the title "Vizier" (imj-rA niwt TAtj = mayor and
vizier) which is not attested elsewhere. If Hapuseneb had been indeed acted in
the function of a "vizier" than
this points to a separate administration of both regions, at least during the coregency of Hatshepsut and Thutmosis III,
because it is attested that in year 5 Useramun followed his father into the office of the
Delvaux points to the fact that these
sign - unlike the other hieroglyphs - had been carved surprisingly small and imbricating each other, so that one gets the idea that these sign had been added
later. Helck (LÄ. II, Sp. 955) did not count Hapuseneb as a "true" vizier, he
judged this as an honorary title. |
The remaining tasks and titles prove the continuity of the tradition of Thutmosis
I. over Thutmosis II. to Hatshepsut.
The photo below shows the statue Bologna No. 1822 which is
exhibited today in the Egyptian Collection of the Museum at Bologna. |
Seated statue of Hapuseneb, Limestone, H: 93 cm, Base: 15 x 33 x 60 cm;
today Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna, La colleziana egiziana;
head and right hand are missing, at the hairline the remains of a long wig
are still to be seen; the vertical line of text is very damaged
from the knees downwards;
At Gebel es-Silsile (West) Hapuseneb led cut a memorial shrine into the rock
(shrine No. 15; about - H: 273. W: 190. D: 368 cm) and decorated both the
facade and the walls. In a niche opposite to the entrance a seated statue of Hapuseneb was
Three funerary cones from his tomb TT67 have survived. |
Text (5 columns, from left to right):
(1) Hapuseneb (@pw-snb)
(2) first father of the God Amun (jt-nTr
tpj n Imn), inspector of the servants of the gods in Upper-
and Lower Egypt (jmj-rA Hmw-nTr nw
Sma mHw),
(3) first high priest of Amun (Hm-nTr
tpj n Imn), director of all royal work (jmj-rA
n kAt nbt n nswt ),
(4) Hapuseneb (@pw-snb)
(5) justified (mAa-Xrw)
Funerary cone of Hapuseneb from TT67; Macadam No. 21;
Ø 6.6 cm |
Sethe, Urkunden IV:489, Nr. 157b, c |
Text (three rows, separated by a horizontal
line, each row from left to right, from top):
(1) (@pw-snb)
(2) keeper of the seal of the King of Lower Egypt (jt-nTr
tpj n Imn), first high priest of Amun (Hm-nTr
tpj n Imn),
(3) Hapuseneb (@pw-snb),
justified (mAa-Xrw) |
Funerary cone of Hapuseneb from TT67; Macadam No.
Ø 5.5 cm |
Sethe, Urkunden IV:489, Nr. 157a |
Text (three rows, each row from left to
right, from top):
Text (three rows, from top):
(1) (@pw-snb)
(2) keeper of the seal of the King of Lower Egypt (jt-nTr
tpj n Imn), first high priest of Amun (Hm-nTr
tpj n Imn),
(3) Hapuseneb (@pw-snb),
justified (mAa-Xrw) |
Funerary cone of Hapuseneb from TT67; Macadam No. 518;
Ø 5.5 cm |
Sethe, Urkunden IV:489, Nr. 157a |